Saturday, April 30, 2011

From a Soldiers Eyes!

History will record this campaign on the part of the South as one dictated by the holiest and most sacred emotions. A true, noble and generous people, asking only to be let alone, performing all their obligations and duties to humanity, Christianity, civilization and the world, find themselves in the singular position of having suddenly to take the field to repel an invading force from spoiling them of their dearest rights—an invading horde, warmed into life in their peaceful pursuits in the North by the bounty of the South, have now turned upon us, and with the resources, accumulated from the indulgence and tributary commerce of the South, seek our destruction. Actuated by all the high and holy dictates of patriotism, love of home and its dearest associations, indignant at the outrages we have endured for the sake of peace, we are here at last to repel by force the desolating power at Washington.

Carlton McCarthy, Second Company Richmond Howitzers

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