Monday, March 14, 2011

From the Front !

Dec 12th 1862

Dear John.

Sergeant McCreery, chief of my piece, goes down tomorrow and I send this by him. Enclosed_______________ Thirty______________ which I wish you to hand to Ma and return my sincere thanks.

You will get this Friday, if you can go down home and get me two pair of drawers and leave with VanLew and Taylor Saturday directed plainly I will be much obliged. Now I would not put you to this trouble if I could do better but I am now almost without and cannot get there. I want a box sent as soon as we go into winter quarters with my gray coat pants shoes and with all the good things to eat you have to spare.

The last letter I got was one from Pa which was a very interesting one, dated 16th Nov. I have written several times, the last was to Louisa enclosing $20. Please write by McCeery and say if the money is received. In writing direct plainly,

W.H. Tatum
Howitzer Co.
Gen’l Barksdales Brigade
McLaws Division

Everything is quiet about here, there has been no fighting lately, it snowed last Friday and has not thawed since until today, the snow is still on the ground. I suppose the people in the neighborhood of Richmond are taking advantage of this opportunity and are getting ice. The Rappahannock is frozen across.

Tell Pa I think he deserves all praise for prevailing on the Engineers to change their base, it would have indeed ruined the little farm and then Mr. Randolph can stand the loss so much better than we can.

Our Boys are getting Christmas in their bones already and are talking about having one big dinner, I do not know where we will be then. We have just been paid off to the 1st Nov. and the bounty, but clothing and borrowed money takes mighty nearly all of it.
I want you to get me two quires good paper and a package of good envelopes and put iy by for me, with a bottle of ink and write me what it cost.

Remember me with love to all

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