Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Equal Under The Law ?

Two men — one from Charlottesville, one from Richmond — have both been found guilty of trespassing and vandalism and sentenced to jail time in several instances of the removal of tarps from the Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson statues in Charlottesville.


Wayne                          Lambert*

*“We will take our punishment like men, unlike other people in this town that ask to drop charges and won’t accept responsibility for their actions,”

In taking the unusual step of assigning jail time for misdemeanor charges, Judge Joseph Sirks said he was emphasizing the importance of following the legal process and appealing city decisions through the courts. “We are in an age where someone takes action into their own hands and then everyone becomes a copycat,” Sirks said as he delivered his decision.
 “That doesn’t work in a system of the law.”

(Unless you're in Durham NC.)

Durham DA drops all charges
 in Confederate monument toppling case

"For my office to continue to take these cases to trial based on the same evidence would be a misuse of state resources," Echols said. "For that reason, I will dismiss the remaining charges against the remaining defendants."

( No evidence here is there ? )

Let me see if I got this correct -
 You can tear down a statue in Durham and walk free !
But remove an "illegal tarp" in Charlottesville and get jail time !
Yeeeeeesh !


  1. Durham has been a third world cesspool for decades. Nobody who lives in or close to that sordid place expected anything different. I was surprised that they even had to go to court. Every week there are several murders in Durham. Nobody bats an eye anymore.
