Friday, August 17, 2012

Nov 1st 1861


  1. David, this is all very interesting, but you know, your ancestor was just ... there. Experiencing all this first hand. It's not like he learned about it in a university classroom a hundred and fifty years after the fact. You should quit putting so much faith in somebody who was there, lived it and wrote about it, and start accepting what Levin, Simpson, Meyer, Hall tells you. They weren't there, but they WERE in a university classroom a hundred and fifty years later, so THEY KNOW.


  2. Yes Connie, the Levinites and followers are the one true source for information! I really hope that they are reading the letters I'm posting. I know a few of em are I've seen em on my tracker. But I doubt they will accept what is written. It's just the way they are !
    And that's sad !

  3. Such letters show to those of us looking at these matters from the perspective of the passage of time how little any man knows of what is happening at the time he lives through the events. They give us a glimpse of the natural confusion even of those men who are "in charge" much less the ordinary soldier. We have the privilege of seeing these events through the lens of time, the compilation of information and the comments of learned (but often prejudiced) men who study that information. Yet, the personal opinions of one human being "on the ground" cannot fail but give as much insight into those involved than many scholarly reports based upon mere facts.

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