Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Feeding the Slaves

Well I'm gonna roll the dice again and post more information from family records,

This post shows the weekly food allowance for the slaves owned by an ancestor.

I can see it now - a Yankee blogger crying / " But what did the owners eat"?

"What type of home did the owners have as compaired to the slaves"?

Yea I guess that's fair / but what do the CEOs of major companys have for dinner as opposed to the guy in the mail room? And what about living conditions ?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am a "Flagger"

I AM A FLAGGER"I speak for that which has no voice. I relay the message of Honor, Dignity, Respect, and Heritage to those who never knew, to those who have forgotten, and to attempt to reach those who refuse to hear.I travel many miles at my own expense, for which there is no reimbursement.

My weapons are the 1956 Georgia Flag, Battle Flag of the Confederacy, and Truth. My enemies are liberals, politicians, NAACP, SCLC, GABEO, SPLC, Black Caucus, media, scalawags, and those who worship ignorance, historical revisionism and Political Correctness.

The former Governor has called me an Extremist. The former Speaker of the House has called me a Jackass. The learned scribes in the papers have called me a Neo-Confederate Peckerwood. By a popular radio talking head I have been called a Flaggot. I have read in the media that I do not exist, and that I am a racist bigot. I wear those names as badges of honor.I have been hit with a rock. I have had to dodge a bottle thrown at me. I have been flipped off. I have been cursed. I have been called KKK and racist. I have been confronted. I have been threatened with arrest numerous times. I have been investigated by the GBI and I have had my civil rights trampled on almost every event I attend.

But for all that, I get thousands of smiles, waves, and thumbs-up.Jews have persecuted me. Christians have barred me from attending their 10 Commandments rally. Members of my own SCV camp have harassed and ignored my efforts. I have been called a Klansman at two jobs – one previous and my current one - and have been released from 2 other jobs for my beliefs and activities.I do what I do not for fame or glory (although I have appeared in print and on TV) but for the silent majority. I speak for the mute to the timid majority against the loud heritage-hating minority. My aim is to supply an unexpected education, while following the teachings of my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ and leadership of my Confederate Forebears.

I was born and raised in Virginia. I claim that state as my home, and as a son of Virginia, would come to her aid if ever there was a need, but I reside in Georgia, in the county where my father was born – the same county where 3 of my Confederate ancestors are from as well. Ironically, one of my ancestors fought in Virginia near my place of birth, in Cobb’s Legion infantry, during the Peninsula Campaign. At times I feel I am pulling double duty, representing Georgia and Virginia. I do it to represent the soldiers from 150 years ago, to represent Southerners today, and to protect my children for tomorrow.

I have even traveled the 650 miles each way to Flag a hotel in Williamsburg who covered some Confederate artwork to appease some DC black judges.When I think that my ancestors marched hundreds of miles barefoot, without proper food or adequate supplies, only to then form lines and march into cannon and musket fire by overwhelming odds and against superior numbers and better equipment – I only pray that my small effort is enough “Thanks” for what they sacrificed for me.The things I have mentioned are factual, and at times have been tough. I willingly accept the challenges and risks.

I take pride in taking a stand for the Cause. And for this Cause, I call others to flock to the banner of our ancestors, but most will not. Most find it more comforting to let others go into battle in their stead rather than miss a Football game or a dog washing. Some are “Keyboard Commandos” and write a mean letter, but have no guts to stand with a Flag against tyranny. Some are not even registered to vote. I call to them, but I shall never see them, for they lack their ancestors’ convictions, and refuse to stand up for Honor."- Billy Bearden

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brooks Simpson.

I don’t think anyone at SHPG is actually in favor of desecrating a monument to any Northern soldier!

The picture you were referring to was satirical in its nature.

One of the facts you overlook is the folks at SHPG are everyday folks, we don’t claim to be college graduates with a wall full of diplomas. And just as in real life we cut up and clown around a bit.

We do not take refuge in “Ivory Towers” of higher education. We speak our mind and try as best we can to have the truth behind what we post! And on occasion the post are deleted, for any number of reasons, I myself have deleted a number of post that have contained racist veils or outright racist comments. But being an open group SHPG is vulnerable to inappropriate post. We try as best we can to police (censor) content to keep it as close to our stated mission as possible.

As for deleting post; Kevin Levin took down a post that painted a target on Susan Hathaway. This post criticized her and put all her personal information on line for all to see! With its negative overtones this post was nothing more than intimidation! Also after numerous comments from me about Kevin’s use of one of Mort Kunstler’s paintings that was a copyright violation he changed the post, then deleted many post that I hade made at his site.

I would suggest looking in the mirror before shining your Halos!

Dave Tatum

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Freedom in the North !

While the South has been label racist lets take a look at our wonderful neighbors to the north!

The state had enacted Black Laws in 1804 and 1807 that compelled blacks entering the state to post bond of $500 guaranteeing good behavior and to produce a court paper as proof that they were free.
"No extensive effort was made to enforce the bond requirement" Likwack wrote, "until 1829, when the rapid increase of the Negro population alarmed Cincinnati. The city authorities announced that the Black Laws would be enforced and ordered Negroes to comply or leave within thirty days."
Citizens of the city's "Little Africa" -- largely a ghetto of wooden shacks owned by whites -- appealed for a delay, and sent a delegation to Canada to try to find a place to settle there. But if the authorities were willing to offer more time, the Ohio mob was not, and whites in packs roamed through the black neighborhoods, burning and beating. The delegation came back from Upper Canada with the offer of a safe home from the governor. "Tell the Republicans on your side of the line that we royalists do not know men by their color. Should you come to us you will be entitled to all the privileges of the rest of His Majesty's subjects."
About half of the city's 2,200 blacks left, most of them apparently going to Canada. The proponents of strict enforcement of the Black Laws then discovered that they had driven off "the sober, honest, industrious, and useful portion of the colored population," which lessened "much of the moral restraint ... on the idle and indolent, as well as the profligate" among the rest

Discrimination against free blacks was more severe in Connecticut than in other New England colonies. Their lives were strongly proscribed even before they became numerous. In 1690, the colony forbade blacks and Indians to be on the streets after 9 p.m. It also forbid black "servants" to wander beyond the limits of the towns or places where they belonged without a ticket or pass from their masters or the authorities. A law of 1708, citing frequent fights between slaves and whites, imposed a minimum penalty of 30 lashes on any black who disturbed the peace or who attempted to strike a white person. Even speech was subject to control. By a 1730 law, and black, Indian, or mulatto slave "who uttered or published, about any white person, words which would be actionable if uttered by a free white was, upon conviction before any one assistant or justice of the peace, to be whipped with forty lashes. As early as 1717, citizens of New London in a town meeting voted their objection to free blacks living in the town or owning land anywhere in the colony. That year, the colonial assembly passed a law in accordance with this sentiment, prohibiting free blacks or mulattoes from residing in any town in the colony. It also forbid them to buy land or go into business without the consent of the town. The provisions were retroactive, so that if any black person had managed to buy land, the deed was rendered void, and a black resident of a town, however long he had been there, was now subject to prosecution at the discretion of the selectmen.

Pennsylvania laws forbid blacks from gathering in "tippling-houses," carrying arms, or assembling in companies. These, however, were loosely or unevenly enforced. But throughout Pennsylvania colony, the children of free blacks, without exception, were bound out by the local justices of the peace until age 24 (if male) or 21 (if female). All in all, the "free" blacks of colonial Pennsylvania led severely circumscribed lives; they had no control even over their own family arrangements, and they could be put back into servitude for "laziness" or petty crimes, at the mercy of the local authorities.

The legal history of the black codes in these two states is essentially similiar, and in fact Illinois simply continued Indiana's code when it organized as a territory.
The new states that entered the union in the North after the gradual emancipation of northern slaves were just as concerned as the old ones with maintaining their racial purity. To do so, they turned to an old practice in the North: the exclusion law. Slaves could not be brought into the Northwest Territories, under the ordinance of 1787, but slaves already there remained in bondage. Once states began to emerge from the old territories, most of them explicitly barred blacks or permitted them only if they could prove their freedom and post bond. Ohio offered the first example, and those that followed her into the union followed her lead on race.
Both Indiana (1816) and Illinois (1818) abolished slavery by their constitutions. And both followed the Ohio policy of trying to prevent black immigration by passing laws requiring blacks who moved into the state to produce legal documents verifying that they were free and posting bond to guarantee their good behavior. The bond requirements ranged as high as $1,000, which was prohibitive for a black American in those days. Anti-immigration legislation was passed in Illinois in 1819, 1829, and 1853. In Indiana, such laws were enacted in 1831 and 1852. Michigan Territory passed such a law in 1827; Iowa Territory passed one in 1839 and Iowa enacted another in 1851 after it became a state. Oregon Territory passed such a law in 1849.

Ever wonder why the underground Rail Road went to Canada ?