N.A.S.C.A.R. gets a Flagging !
Fresh out of the body and paint shop, The Mobile Flagger Response Unit was deployed to Richmond International Raceway on Saturday morning. Early in the afternoon, we raised a 10' x 15' Battle Flag on the 70' pole and the response was immediate and overwhelming!

Visible from almost any vantage point on the grounds of Richmond International Raceway, a steady stream of race fans made their way over to thank us and get a closer look at the giant flag.

Word spread quickly and we gave away hundreds of stickers and had the opportunity to speak to many folks, sharing information about our flags and how they could get involved in the fight to save our heritage.

We were very pleased with the results of this first deployment, and are excited about our plans for continued development of the Mobile Flagger Response Unit and the many, many ways it will help us forward the colors and advance the flags of Dixie!

( From VA Flagger's Blog )

Visible from almost any vantage point on the grounds of Richmond International Raceway, a steady stream of race fans made their way over to thank us and get a closer look at the giant flag.

Word spread quickly and we gave away hundreds of stickers and had the opportunity to speak to many folks, sharing information about our flags and how they could get involved in the fight to save our heritage.

We were very pleased with the results of this first deployment, and are excited about our plans for continued development of the Mobile Flagger Response Unit and the many, many ways it will help us forward the colors and advance the flags of Dixie!

( From VA Flagger's Blog )
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