Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sounds like a plan to me !

It's the flag our ancestor's followed into battle.

Now we have to battle to keep it flying !

Sounds like a plan to me !


I have gotten several comments from a "Mark Williams" The comments are basically a link to a Blog site that is porn. I have an idea who it is but like all "PUNKs" he is hiding.
I have a good idea who it is, I'm willing to bet the farm on it!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Another Day in Dixie !

Commin Through !!!!!

My Grandson and Granddaughter came over so Paw-Paw gave em a Show !

A jigger of FF Pyrodex two golf balls !

Just another day in Dixie !

Monday, April 22, 2013

We interrupt normal programing for this news bulletin --

Let me see if i got it straight, Bigfoot crashes his ufo at Roswell,(and all this time y'all thought it was little Gray men with big eyes)

So it's kept quiet for years, then JFK ( who is up for re election)  decides to go public with the info.

So the CIA has to snuff him,( they can't let JFK get re elected he's not going to let us get too deep into Nam and LBJ is a major stockholder of Dow Chemical the folks who gave us Napalm and Agent Orange, although it might have been Monsanto who gave us Agent Orange)

 So they hire Oswald to kill JFK and Ruby to kill Oswald, then Ruby gets cancer and crokes before he can talk.

Later all the evidence is put on Apollo 13 to be left on the moon but an accident on board prevents this from happening!

So the evidence is hidden in a basement of a house in Boston,
 Later the CIA wants it back so they declare martial law and go door to door to retrieve it, The marathon bombing is a cover story to allow the search. 

Yep all the pieces fit !

Hey it makes as much sense as the other stories going around !

Monday, April 15, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Soldiers Flag !

It is not the flag of the Confederacy !


It is not the flag of the KKK !


It's the flag of the Confederate Soldier !

JC Tatum

WH Tatum

What part of that do you fail to understand ?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013






1861-1865                                                                                       BY





This banner, the witness and inspiration of many victories, which was proudly borne on every field from Manassas to Appomattox, was conceived on the field of battle, lived on the field of battle, and on the last fatal field ceased to have place or meaning in the world. But the men who followed it, and the world which watched its proud advance or defiant stand, see in it still the unstained banner of a brave and generous people, whose deeds have outlived their country, and whose final defeat but added lustre to their grandest victories.
It was not the flag of the Confederacy, but simply the banner, the battle-flag, of the Confederate soldier. As such it should not share in the condemnation which our cause received, or suffer from its downfall. The whole world can unite in a chorus of praise to the gallantry of the men who followed where this banner led.

It was at the battle of Manassas, about four o'clock of the afternoon of the 21st of July, 1861, when the fate of the Confederacy seemed trembling in the balance, that General Beauregard, looking across the      Warrenton turnpike, which passed through the valley between the position of the Confederates and the elevations beyond occupied by the Federal line, saw a body of troops moving towards his left and the Federal right. He was greatly concerned to know, but could not decide, what troops they were, whether Federal or Confederate. The similarity of uniform and of the colors carried by the opposing armies, and the clouds of dust, made it almost impossible to decide.

Shortly before this time General Beauregard had received from the signal officer, Captain Alexander, a dispatch, saying that from the signal station in the rear he had sighted the colors of this column, drooping and covered with the dust of journeyings, but could not tell whether they were the Stars and Stripes or the Stars and Bars. He thought, however, that they were probably Patterson's troops arriving on the field and reënforcing the enemy.
General Beauregard was momentarily expecting help from the right, and the uncertainty and anxiety of this hour amounted to anguish. Still the column pressed on. Calling a staff officer, General Beauregard instructed him to go at once to General Johnston, at the Lewis House, and say that the enemy were receiving heavy reënforcements, that the troops on the plateau were very much scattered, and that he would be compelled to retire to the Lewis House, and there re-form, hoping that the troops ordered up from the right would arrive in time to enable him to establish and hold the new line.

Meanwhile, the unknown troops were pressing on. The day was sultry, and only at long intervals was there the slightest breeze. The colors of the mysterious column hung drooping on the staff. General Beauregard tried again and again to decide what colors they carried. He used his glass repeatedly, and handing it to others begged them to look, hoping that their eyes might be keener than his.
General Beauregard was in a state of great anxiety, but finally determined to hold his ground, relying on the promised help from the right; knowing that if it arrived in time victory might be secured, but feeling also that if the mysterious column should be Federal troops the day was lost.
Suddenly a puff of wind spread the colors to the breeze. It was the Confederate flag,—the Stars and Bars! It was Early with the Twenty-Fourth Virginia, the Seventh Louisiana, and the Thirteenth Mississippi. The column had by this time reached the extreme right of the Federal lines. The moment the flag was recog[Pg 222]nized, Beauregard turned to his staff, right and left, saying, "See that the day is ours!" and ordered an immediate advance. In the mean time Early's brigade deployed into line and charged the enemy's right; Elzey, also, dashed upon the field, and in one hour not an enemy was to be seen south of Bull Run.
While on this field and suffering this terrible anxiety, General Beauregard determined that the Confederate soldier must have a flag so distinct from that of the enemy that no doubt should ever again endanger his cause on the field of battle.
Soon after the battle he entered into correspondence with Colonel William Porcher Miles, who had served on his staff during the day, with a view to securing his aid in the matter, and proposing a blue field, red bars crossed, and gold stars.
They discussed the matter at length. Colonel Miles thought it was contrary to the law of heraldry that the ground should be blue, the bars red, and the stars gold. He proposed that the ground should be red, the bars blue, and the stars white. General Beauregard approved the change, and discussed the matter freely with General Johnston. Meanwhile it became known that designs for a flag were under discussion, and many were sent in. One came from Mississippi; one from J.B. Walton and E.C. Hancock, which coincided with the design of Colonel Miles. The matter was freely discussed at headquarters, till, finally, when he arrived at Fairfax Court House, General Beauregard caused his draughtsman (a German) to make drawings of all the various designs which had been submitted. With these designs before them the officers at headquarters agreed on the famous old banner,—the red field, the blue cross, and the white stars. The flag was then submitted to the War Department, and was approved.

The first flags sent to the army were presented to the troops by General Beauregard in person, he then expressing the hope and confidence that they would become the emblem of honor and of victory.
The first three flags received were made from "ladies' dresses" by the Misses Carey, of Baltimore and Alexandria, at their residences and the residences of friends, as soon as they could get a description of the design adopted. One of the Misses Carey sent the flag she made to General Beauregard. Her sister presented hers to General Van Dorn, who was then at Fairfax Court House. Miss Constance Carey, of Alexandria, sent hers to General Joseph E. Johnston.
General Beauregard sent the flag he received at once to New Orleans for safe keeping. After the fall of New Orleans, Mrs. Beauregard sent the flag by a Spanish man-of-war, then lying in the river opposite New Orleans, to Cuba, where it remained till the close of the war, when it was returned to General Beauregard, who presented it for safe keeping to the Washington Artillery, of New Orleans.

This much about the battle-flag, to accomplish, if possible, two things: first, preserve the little history connected with the origin of the flag; and, second, place the battle flag in a place of security, as it were, separated from all the political significance which attaches to the Confederate flag, and depending for its future place solely upon the deeds of the armies which bore it, amid hardships untold, to many victories.


Monday, April 8, 2013



This banner, the witness and inspiration of many victories, which was proudly borne on every field from Manassas to Appomattox, was conceived on the field of battle, lived on the field of battle, and on the last fatal field ceased to have place or meaning in the world. But the men who followed it, and the world which watched its proud advance or defiant stand, see in it still the unstained banner of a brave and generous people, whose deeds have outlived their country, and whose final defeat but added lustre to their grandest victories.

It was not the flag of the Confederacy, but simply the banner, the battle-flag, of the Confederate soldier. As such it should not share in the condemnation which our cause received, or suffer from its downfall. The whole world can unite in a chorus of praise to the gallantry of the men who followed where this banner led.

Carlton McCarthy, Second Company Richmond Howitzers.

UPDATE !!!!!!!

I recieved a comment from Corey saying that the posted comment is incorrect!
Yea I guess so, but read the next post I made,(HERE) it goes into better detail of the incident.
Ya got a sharp eye for detail, but take the blinders off and look at the BIG PICTURE !

Dine with Honor !

"A large proportion of the eating of the army was done in the houses and at the tables of the
people, not by the use of force, but by the wish and invitation of the people. It was at times
necessary that whole towns should help to sustain the army of defense, and when this was the
case, it was done voluntarily and cheerfully.

The soldiers all who conducted themselves properly were received as honored guests and
given the best in the house. There was a wonderful absence of stealing or plundering, and
even when the people suffered from depredation they attributed the cause to terrible necessity
rather than to wanton disregard of the rights of property. And when armed guards were placed
over the smoke-houses and barns, it was not so much because the commanding general doubted
the honesty as that he knew the necessities of his troops. But even pinching hunger was not
held to be an excuse for marauding expeditions."

Carlton McCarthy, Second Company Richmond Howitzers.