Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Monument Destruction Bill DIES in Committee

Minutes ago, the bill to allow destruction of War Memorials in Virginia was KILLED in the house Sub Committee and will not be proceeding to the floor for a vote. 

Committee members were unfazed by the spectacle in chambers, where about a dozen Charlottesville extremists wept and claimed to have been harmed by the “Jim Crow” memorials in that town and the “racist, white supremacists” who support them.  Their false narratives and 

This was a huge victory, but  we must remain vigilant.  Those who hate us and our heritage will not quit and we can not let up for one minute.  This vote, like every other, was almost directly down party lines.  Two democrats broke ranks to protect our war memorials. There is a real and present danger that we could lose the Republican majority in the House of Delegates this November, which would mean that this bill would sail through next session.  WE MUST BECOME POLITICALLY ACTIVE to prevent this.

Stay tuned for ways you can join the fight to save the Commonwealth, and in turn, our monuments and memorials.

Victory in battle  is ours today, but the war rages. All glory to God. All honor to our Confederate ancestors 

Susan Lee
Va Flaggers