Sunday, January 31, 2016

Vandals topple 103-year-old Lincoln statue in Burlington

It's a sickness that knows no boundaries. 

A statue of Abraham Lincoln that has stood tall in Burlington for more than 100 years was knocked to the ground early Saturday, apparently by vandals.

Don Vande Sand, vice president of the Burlington Historical Society, said police got a call shortly after 6 a.m. and have identified a suspect.

A dispatcher for the Burlington police said a statement about the case would be released later Saturday. Chief Mark Anderson was not available.

Vande Sand said the 8-foot-tall bronze statue does not appear to be damaged, save for some scrape marks around the head. He said the scene does not suggest that someone rammed the stone pedestal with a car or truck, and that it was unclear just how the statue was toppled.

Vande Sand said the statue, created by Chicago sculptor George Ganiere, was a gift in 1912 from dentist Francis Meinhardt to mark the reopening of a town school as the Lincoln School.

The site is now the office of the Burlington Area School District, but Vande Sand said the statue, located on a small triangle of land at an intersection of State and Kane streets, belongs to the city.

He said he had not heard Saturday of any plans or timeline for returning Lincoln to his proper place.

The city celebrated a re-dedication of the statue in May 2014.

By Bruce Vielmetti of the Journal Sentinel
Updated Jan. 30, 2016


I'm no fan of Lincoln, but I hope the perpetrators are caught and punished !



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lawn Jockey's

I found this information on Face Book.


A lot of people don't know the real meaning behind these statues, so they vandalize them, bitch about them being racist, etc.

 During the US slave era, the image of a black 'footman' with a lantern signified the home was a stop on the Underground Railroad. These are largely a northern thing, and weren't commonly found in the South until after WWII when northerners moved there and brought this custom with them.

 The clothing of the statue was also coded. A striped jockey's shirt meant that this was a place to swap horses, while a footman in a tailed coat meant overnight lodgings/food, and a blue sailor's waistcoat meant the homeowner could take you to a port and get you on a ship to Canada.

 I always laugh when I hear folks talk about how racist these are, because honestly, the cats who had them were likely the LEAST racist. Later, these came back into popularity after WWII, and they were again coded to show the white homeowners supported early civil rights efforts.

I did some digging and found this also --

 "It is said that the 'lawn jockey' actually has its roots in the tale of one Jocko Graves, an African-American youth who served with General George Washington at the time that he crossed the Delaware to carry out his surprise attack on British forces at Trenton, NJ. The General thought him too young to take along on such a dangerous attack, so left him on the Pennsylvania side to tend to the horses and to keep a light on the bank for their return. So the story goes, the boy, faithful to his post and his orders, froze to death on the river bank during the night, the lantern still in his hand. The General was so much moved by the boy's devotion to his duty that he had a statue sculpted and cast of him, holding the lantern, and had it installed at his Mount Vernon estate. He called the sculpture 'The Faithful Groomsman'." The most frequently-cited source for the story is Kenneth W. Goings in "Mammy and Uncle Mose" (Indiana University Press), though he regards it as apocryphal. The story was told as well in a 32 page children's book by Earl Kroger Sr., "Jocko: A Legend of the American Revolution." 
text from =



Meet George, I rescued him from a landfill about 15 years ago.
He needs a little TLC,
but I think I got him covered.

After he's Fixed up I will post a picture !

Suppositions and Twisted Logic ---

On of the things that kills me about the Floggers is their Twisted logic that only goes one way !

Take this picture ---- With text from Simpsons Blog

"Left to right: Billy Bearden, Karen Cooper, Tripp Lewis, Susan Hathaway, Matthew Heimbach. Birds of a feather, flagging together."

Yep the old "BIRDS OF A FEATHER" argument !

Let's say for a moment that the supposition is true,
so by following that logic what about these pictures?

Rosalyn Carter and John Gacy.

Is Mrs. Carter a wack job who dresses up like a clown and murders young boys ?
( or at least approves of the practice)
If you follow Simpsons logic YES !

How about these two ---

British Prime Minister  Chamberlain 
 walks past a Nazi honor guard on the way to a meeting with Adolf Hitler

Bosom Buddies for sure !
Smiling and shaking hands, it's what Best Friends do ! 
What could go wrong ?

Twisting a photo op into a nonexistent alliance is what the Floggers are doing,
And continue to do using flawed logic and implied suppositions. 

I did the same thing with my last Blog Post ( sort of )

Plagiarism at ASU.

I posted it to show how false connections, using the "Birds of a Feather*" logic
or a Photo op can be made.

* Simpson and Whitaker were teaching history at the same place so they are the same.

God Bless the Flaggers.
I'm proud to be one !

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Plagiarism at Arizona State University !

Matthew Whitaker
Former professor at Arizona State University

Plagiarized Wikipedia for his book /

“Peace Be Still: Modern Black America from World War II to Barack Obama.”

These actions which would have caused the suspension or expulsion of a student.
Had that student done the same thing.

His plagiarism 
Resulted with ASU  demoting him to associate professor and putting him on leave.

This will result in his salary being cut from a lush $163,500 to a paltry $153,500. 

 During this time he will have no authority, no office, and  no responsibilities.

Whitaker blames his situation on Racist Academics.


We all know how Brooks Simpson loves to lump people together 

With his Birds of a Feather Logic,

( anyone waving a Battle Flag is in the same boat )

JUST SAYING -------- ?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Flaggers out maneuver W&L !

THIS in From The VA FLAGGERS  ----

Many of you may recall that last year, security guards at Washington & Lee University refused to allow our folks to walk up Letcher Avenue after the parade through town when we attempted to pay our respects to General Jackson at VMI.
Details here:…/va-flaggers-lee-jackson-we…
It seems that W&L officials are determined to make sure that the demands of the six agitators are met, and are going to great lengths to ensure that W&L students will not be exposed to a battle flag as it is carried up the public sidewalk on Letcher Avenue, which apparently would cause great distress and damage to their delicate psyches.
After the incident last year, we began an investigation and received information that Letcher Avenue is, in fact, a public road, NOT privately owned by the University. We received information from VDOT in April of 2015, that confirmed that Letcher Avenue is in no way subject to the dominion or control of Washington & Lee University. In addition, a City of Lexington Police Dispatcher confirmed that the restriction by W&L's security force to prevent public use of Letcher Avenue is illegal. She advised that if they should attempt to prevent any of us from walking on EITHER sidewalk along Letcher Avenue that we immediately call the Lexington Police.
With this in mind, knowing they had denied the SCV access to the LEE Chapel for their annual Robert E Lee Memorial service, and having received word that W&L had security personnel positioned at Letcher Avenue on Lee-Jackson Day, we called the Lexington Police ahead of our arrival, and asked them to meet us at W&L to make sure we were allowed access.
At 2:00, several dozen Flaggers had gathered, and W&L security would not allow access to the sidewalk to anyone carrying a Confederate flag.
Representative from Lexington's Police Department and Sheriffs office arrived shortly after we called them. Acting as spokesman for the Flaggers, I first spoke to a female Sergent. I told her that we had talked to Lexington dispatch, consulted with attorneys, and received information from VDOT, ALL of which confirmed that Letcher Ave. is a public street and not under the domain of W&L, and I handed her the email correspondence to prove it. She was understanding, assured me she would get some answers, and placed a call to the Chief of Police. I was asked to speak to him. I informed him of the same thing that I had just told the Sargent about the legalities of the situation at hand.
At that time a Dean at W&L called the Sheriff and he asked me if he could call me back after he tried to resolve the issue with her. I agreed and walked over to the group of Flaggers, which was growing larger by the minute, to update them on the situation.
I was quickly summoned back up the hill by the Sergent to talk to the chief of police again. He said that W&L remained insistent that law enforcement intervene if we try to walk up Letcher Ave. He asked if our folks would consider walking down the sidewalk of N Jefferson instead, and offered to instruct his officers to escort us up the steep VMI entrance and then offered to help us get this straight for next year.
I told him today was not the day that any of our folks were ready to compromise.
He then informed me that he was instructing his officers NOT to impede the Flaggers if they walk up Letcher Avenue to VMI, but warned that W&L officials could try to obtain names and information of those who did so and go down to the courthouse and swear out a trespassing warrant on those individuals.
I thanked him and told him that we would contact him soon to "put this situation to rest once and for all".
By this time, our numbers had grown, as word spread across Lexington of what was happening at W&L. As I met with our group again, to let them know the situation and decide what our next move would be, one woman took it in her own hands to do what needed to be done, grabbed her flag, and started up the hill, marching right past the security detail.
Defiantly, bravely, and determined to honor General Jackson, she proceeded up the hill without interference. One by one, others joined her, and soon a steady stream was walking up the hill, much to the consternation of the W&L security personnel.
Simultaneously, a group of Flaggers who had been positioned on Jefferson Ave, took the right flank, and were escorted by Lexington police down Jefferson Ave. The officer then stopped traffic to allow them to cross the street and enter by way of the VMI entrance.
We believe General Jackson would be proud of our flanking maneuvers!
W&L security personnel were visibly angry, and frustrated that we had outmaneuvered and outflanked them. Flaggers who walked up the hill called it one of the most satisfying moments of the weekend as they walked right past those who less than an hour before had denied them access.
Once on the parade grounds, we were free to pay our respects to the General, and has become our custom, we unfurled a 10x15 flag that were going to raise on the Jackson Farm Flag site later that afternoon, and posed for a photo.
There were absolutely no attempts by anyone at VMI to impede our commemoration. In fact, communications with VMI officials were cordial and professional. As we turned to sing "Dixie's Land", Cadets were seen opening windows and shouting down approval at the sight of General Jackson on the grounds of VMI once again.
Spirits soared among those who gathered at the end of the triumphant march, led by one woman, who, if you ask her why she did it, will answer. "I just got GOOD AND MAD at what those people are doing...and wasn't going to take it anymore!".
We would like to take this moment to reiterate that, as has been our experience in Lexington each time we visit, law enforcement personnel from both the Lexington Police and Sheriff's Departments treated us with the utmost respect and courtesy, not only in this situation, but throughout our entire stay. We have nothing but praise for their professionalism and sincere efforts to provide for our protection and safety.
Officials at Washington and LEE University tried to stop us from walking past their campus on our way to pay our respects to General Jackson.
They failed.
When you've got 75-100 people out there...things go your is called an army.
TriPp Lewis
Virginia Flaggers

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Portsmouth's Mayor Ignores the law.

The circus in P-Town continues ---

Ya'll Remember this CLOWN ?

The Honorable (?) Kenneth I. Wright

He's the Mayor of Portsmouth VA who is leading the movement to remove the
 Confederate Monument

Well last night after the city council meeting ---
 where he led the successful effort to fine Councilman Bill Moody for being 
Transparent about the effort to remove the monument

William E. "Bill" Moody, Jr., Councilman

“You’re not gonna muzzle me, I was elected by the people and I will keep the people informed,”

(Story HERE !! )

--- Portsmouth's Sheriff , 
Bill Watson

Noticed that Mayor Wright had an Expired inspection sticker on his car.

Sheriff Watson stopped the Mayor who brushed off the Sheriff and drove away !

The local TV station has the Video  HERE !

Just who does this Indignant Buffoon think he is ???

Does he think he is above the law ??

It's time for the citizens of Portsmouth VA to RECALL this Idiot !


Local TV stations report that Felony Charges are pending against Mayor Wright
for Felony Eluding ! 

( I guess we will see the Race card being thrown now ! )

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Gen. Wade Hampton I-95 Memorial Battle Flag

THIS JUST IN -------

For several months, the Va Flaggers have been working on a site adjacent to I-95 in Prince George County, Virginia, in preparation for our next I-95 Roadside Memorial Flag installation.  We had hoped to have the flag up and flying before the end of 2015, but faced continual delays and roadblocks in obtaining the necessary permits.  In the end, and as is usually the case, God's timing is best, as it allowed us time to wrap up a few other projects, enjoy the holidays, and spend much needed down time with family and friends.  

We are thrilled to announce that as of yesterday, we have the permit in hand and construction will begin within the next two weeks!   We will be kicking off 2016 with one of our most exciting projects to date!  This one is our second joint effort with the Army of Northern Virginia Mechanized Cavalry, and will consist of an 80' pole, flying a custom 20' x 20' Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flag.  This site will be one of our most visible yet,  and VDOT surveys report an annual DAILY volume estimate of over 36,000 vehicles!  That's over 13 MILLION vehicles who will pass the site each year, with excellent visibility from both north and South bound lanes.  

The 20' x 20' custom ANV has been ordered and paid for thanks to the generosity of the folks at Just Go Detecting, who raffled a hand sewn battle flag and donated the proceeds, which exactly covered the cost of the flag!  

Photo of the flag that was raffled

Thanks to the generosity of MANY, MANY folks across the country, we have half of the necessary funds on hand to purchase the new 80' pole, and are asking for your help to raise the balance in time to pick up the pole at the end of next week.   

This Memorial Battle Flag is in the vicinity of General Wade Hampton's Great Beefsteak Raid, so it will be dedicated as the General Wade Hampton I-95 Memorial Battle Flag in his honor, and will include two additional 30 foot flag poles which will fly an unreconstructed Virginia State flag on one pole, and a South Carolina state flag on the other.

We have TENTATIVELY set a date of January 30 for the flag raising, which may change depending on available funds, favorable weather, and timely final inspections, etc.  Please stay tuned for updates and more details.

This will be the 1st roadside Memorial Battle Flag raised in 2016 in the Commonwealth, the third on I-95, and the 18th raised on highways and roadsides across Virginia since the fall  of 2013.  

We have only just begun to fight.

To contribute to the Wade Hamton I-95 Memorial Battle Flag, please make checks payable to “The Virginia Flaggers” and mail to:
P.O. Box 547   
Sandston VA  23150 


Thanks to the VA Flaggers for what they do !

Friday, January 8, 2016

Yeeeeesh !

A monument to Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy,
 is one of four monuments called a "nuisance" by the ordinance the New Orleans City Council approved ------

If ya don't like it tear it down ?????

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Good News / Bad News from Alabama.

On 12/12 2015 I got a request for a few Remember coins from Chris Brantley, I was happy to provide him a few coins at no cost, the only request I make is that when the coins are placed,
                                                  please send me a picture.

With the Holiday's we have all been busy, but Chris has sent me some pictures / and some disturbing news.

First the pictures --

Wow I never get tired of seeing the coins after having been placed, thank you Mr Brantley for allowing me to help honor your ancestors.


With the pictures I received this message ---

 Mr Tatum

I finally had a chance to get the memory tokens out. Unfortunately, I found some horrible scumbag scalawag had ripped all my Battle flags up off my GGgrandfather's grave. Even worse my GGUncle who was the only Confederate vet in the same cemetery to actually have a marker that denoted CSA service, his marker had completely been removed/stolen!! The overseer of the cemetery gave me some excuse about the wild dogs that like to tear up the flags, but the funny thing is, they only eat Confederate Battle Flags! Every single Stars and Stripes Flag survived the savage dog pack attack! I then asked where the tombstone was to which I was told that nothing had been moved and there wasn't a grave there w that name on it. I'm actually glad I didn't find all this out until after the Holidays. So, as you can see my first stop at the 1st GGgrandfather Daniel Holsomback 24th Alabama Infantry company H was good. The next stop is where I found the disrespectful acts had happened. My GGgrandfather Isaac Monroe Brantley 42nd Georgia Infantry company G. My GGUncle John Brantley 66th Georgia Infantry company K headstone was missing. Pretty hot about that one. I'm going to be making some calls and finding some answers you can best believe that. Included are the pictures of the 2 I was able to get out today. You now have coins in Shelby and Chilton counties, Alabama.

( The emphasis text is my doing ) 

It's a sad state of affairs when PUNKS dishonor the dead.

Mr Brantley I hope that the PUNKS who stole your ancestors marker are caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am so sorry to hear of this situation,

Let me suggest contacting the Veterans Administration to have the marker replaced, as an ancestor
 I think you have that right !

As for the Flags, contact the Virginia Flaggers I'm sure they can send you a few replacements.
Tell em Dave Tatum sent ya !

Please keep me updated on the theft, And thank you again for allowing me to help honor your ancestors.

Anyone else who would like a few coins to honor their Confederate Ancestors 
contact me and I'll hook you up.

No charge* for the coins other than sending me a picture of the coins after they have been placed.

* well almost no charge you got to send me a small padded,
 self addressed envelope with $2.75 postage